Thursday, 18 June 2015

Punch Bowl Inventory

One significant location around Lich St was the Punch Bowl, just off the street through the Lich gate. It was one a number of pubs in the locality, including (confusingly) the New Punch Bowl opposite the Lich Gate. Plenty of people who could recall the area said they remembered the pub.

The Punch Bowl can be see through the Lich Gate

Within the archives last week we came across an inventory amongst an envelope of document which were passed to us from Birmingham Archives as the contents related to Worcestershire. The inventory was written in March 1958 by Phipps & Pritchard of Kidderminster, (Valuers, Auctioneers & Surveyors), probably when it closed as it appears to be a settlement and includes money for the remaining unexpired lease. The rest is an inventory room by room of the pub and living areas, going down to the level of each coat hook and mop & bucket. Unsurprisingly there was quite a bit of stock left both in the bar and in the cellar. In the bar this included half a bottle of Pimms, 4 bottle of Guinness, 1 bottle of Brown Ale, 990 woodbines and 20 packets of polos. In the cellar the stock included 38 gallons of beer, a vast array of bottles of spirits, 8 bottles of Baby Cham and 12 bottles of rum.

Inventory, part of BA 14380

When the Punch Bowl closed down the licensee went to Ronskwood, where he open a pub and named it the Punch Bowl after his former premises, which is still there today.

(Please note that this item is part of our uncatalogued archives, so we need a week's notice if you wanted to view it here)

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Dig Lich St Exhibition in July

Next month we will be at Tudor House Museum with finds from the Cathedral Roundabout dig for you to see and handle, along with historic photos and information about the excavation. We know lots of people have been asking whether we would repeat the pop up exhibition we did at St Helen's, and we are doing so at Tudor House, which is just round the corner from Lich St.


We'll bring along some of the more interesting finds, such as the glass vessel, late 16thC German Stoneware jar, WWII Military Police cap badge and other items which we've featured on the blog. We'll also have historic photos of the area and old maps, and there'll be photos, film information about the archaeology so if you missed the tours you'll be able to catch up on what we discovered.


We will be at Tudor House Museum, Friar St, on Thursday 23rd and Saturday 25th July 10am-4pm, coinciding with the Festival of British Archaeology. Some of the displays boards will then stay there for the following few weeks. Entry to the museum is free.

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Journey down Sidbury & Lich St

We recently interviewed Pat Harbourne about her memories of growing up in Worcester. Pat told us about some of the shops in the Lich Street area and described her journey from the bottom of London Road past The Commandery, Clapton's Bakery, Lawley's and the Lych Gate up to the High Street.